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Robotic lawn mowers are gradually becoming the main development direction of the lawn mower industry due to their characteristics of simple operation, high efficiency, increased safety, decreased noise, and high intelligence. Positioning, navigation and obstacle avoidance are the key points of robotic lawn mowers.


Fusion positioning technology, such as RTK+ultrasonic/IMU/vision, is one of the mainstream technologies for lawn mowers at present. The fusion of RTK technology and various sensors can provide accurate position information up to centimeter level in real time, allows for the generation of a virtual lawn line, route planning, and obstacle avoidance. In robotic lawn mowers applications which utilize precise RTK positioning solution, antenna is the key part. Mide provides high-precision GNSS antennas and high performance wireless data links that are customized and easy to be integrated, meeting the needs of high-precision positioning, communication and miniaturization of robotic lawn mowers.


To achieve intelligent operation of robotic lawn mowers, navigation and positioning are indispensable. Therefore, solving navigation and positioning problems has become an indispensable part.


The traditional navigation methods currently have some drawbacks. For example, before outdoor robot work, it is necessary to lay cables and other equipment as a prerequisite, and the requirements for cables vary depending on the different plots. This is a relatively complex preliminary work, which uses cables to enclose the work area and obstacle range, greatly causing waste of manpower and capital.

By using GNSS high-precision satellite navigation technology, the position of outdoor robots can be provided in real-time. Compared to traditional outdoor robots, intelligent outdoor robots have certain advantages in terms of technology and automation.

Our high-precision application solution aims to improve the limitations and accuracy issues of outdoor robots in the past, enabling them to achieve centimeter level trajectory driving in open scenes. Through low-power anti multipath, Quantum RTK second fixation, PPP, RTK-KEEP chain breaking maintenance and other technologies, ideal usage effects can be achieved even in obstructed areas such as under trees and in room corners.


Advantages in application:

1. High precision, ensuring even (avoiding repeated) lawn cutting in outdoor robot scenes;

2. Good availability and high reliability in complex environments such as corners and under trees;

3. Strong anti-interference ability, suitable for applications in complex scenarios;


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