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Attitude Provide testing information about the object relative to the horizontal plane and due north direction during testing.

Attitude provides information about the object's relative to the local horizontal frame (horizontal plane) and due north direction.

GNSS attitude solutions typically consist of three elements: roll, pitch, and yaw.


The simplest method proposed to understand what we mean by posture is to introduce a mathematical coordinate system that is easy to understand, that is, we consider a plane with three linear axes passing through it:

Wing up/down=rolling

Nose up/down=pitch

Nose left/right=heading/yaw/azimuth 


The measurement of the angle relative to due north on the horizontal plane is called yaw, also known as azimuth or heading. The angle measurement on the vertical plane relative to the local horizontal coordinate system is called pitch or roll.

Attitude measurement is an indispensable part of positioning and is crucial for precise positioning in many applications. It includes many parts, mainly including:

  • Mobile mapPhotogrammetry or scanning airborne reconnaissance

  • Point the camera towards a specific position relative to the ground for helicopter navigation

  • The motion compensation application of the helicopter on the ground, rather than the tracking method adopted by the helicopter, is aimed at the position where the nose of the aircraft is located

  • Used to ensure that the position of the airborne surveying camera is vertically pointing towards the ground

  • Ensure that ocean surveying is not distorted by surface wave motion


  • Real time and task post-processing pose solutions

  • Provide GPS/GNSS independent system and GNSS/INS system

  • User customizable output direction framework

  • Output can be in different formats

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